Sustainability Policy

Four H Group is strongly committed to fostering a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly workplace for both our employees and valued customers. So, the sustainability aspiration of Four H Group is being defined by a broad set of ideas aimed at minimizing our environmental footprint by implementing eco-friendly practices throughout our operations that includes implementing innovative idea and adapting new technology to reduce  water and energy consumption, minimize chemical usage, decrease waste generation, maximize opportunities for reuse and recycling , mitigate impacts on land use, biodiversity and ecosystem, control of pollution optimize natural resource utilization, harness renewable energy sources and contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities at local, national and international level.

The sustainability policy of Four H Group is based upon the following principles:

- To integrate sustainability consideration into all business decisions.

- To ensure that all the workers and staffs are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy.

- To comply with and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislations, regulations and codes of practice.

- To ensure the safe disposal of various waste with a minimum impacts on soil and environment.

- To ensure the efficient use of water for all purposes and hold and use of rainwater where and when possible.

- To minimize the air emissions and greenhouse gases emission by the efficient utilization of all energy sources and transitioning towards renewable energy alternatives.

- To review annual report and to continually strive to improve sustainability performances.

 - To minimize the environmental impact at the source, prioritize the use of sustainable materials in production processes, aligning with the preferences and values of customers.

JCPenney SA Report Verified CAPR _ Nafisa Apparels Ltd

JCPenney SA Report Verified CAPR _ Four H Apparels Ltd

SMETA Desktop Verified CAPR _ Divine Design Ltd

Recognition Letter_10377_Four H Apparels Ltd

Recognition Letter_11945_Nafisa Apparels Limited

Recognition Letter_12257_Charm Fashion

Recognition Letter_9539_Belamy Textiles Ltd

Recognition Letter_9541_Four H Lingerie Ltd

Recognition Letter_9542_Divine Design Ltd


Greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions ( Scope 1 & 2 ) reduction target recommendations by the SBTi


S/N Factory Name Base year emission
Most Recent Year emissoin
Target Year
1 Divine Design Ltd 719 726 417 42%
2 Four H Apparels Ltd. 1606 1578 931 42%
3 Four H Dyeing & Printing  Ltd. 28351 32418 16393 42.18%


Carbon Footprint 2023


Sl. No Factory Name Electricity
Natural Gas (m3) GHG
(kg CO2e)
1 Four H Apparels Ltd. 1816000 26400 905.52 149267.4 1750393.771
2 Four H Fashions Ltd. 144000   ---------- 868211.28 1933391.55
3 Nafisa Apparels Ltd. 1150000 24400 16698 ---------- 990017
4 Divine Design Ltd. 945000 16880 18720 ---------- 999111.7457
5 Badgetex Apparels Ltd. 905000 5800 292370.6 ---------- 790812.2447
6 Four H Lingerie Ltd. 2482000 30000 130460 ---------- 2194301.72
7 Four H Dyeing & Printing Ltd. 75600 23659 ---------- 16698413.53 32165840
8 Belamy Textile Ltd. 1254000 19000 ---------- ---------- 3499885.31
9 Divine Intimates Ltd. 1746000 22776 144148 ---------- 1734424.81
10 Felix Fashions ltd. 710000 14400 71314.6 ----------  
11 Charm Fashions 606000 20200 ---------- ----------  
12 F&F Fabric Printing 243600 6800 ---------- ---------- 211038.4



Higg (Faciltiy Enviornment Module)


Sl. No Factory Name Higg Score
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
1 Four H Apparels Ltd. 22.53 52 68.6 75.2 75.9
2 Four H Lingerie Ltd. 25.51 52 69.3 77.8 78.1
3 Nafisa Apparels Ltd. 41.21 53 71.2 77.5 79.2
4 Divine Design Ltd. 41.45 52 73 75.3 77
5 Four H Dyeing and Printing Ltd. 40.07 42 75 71.6 75.8
6 F&F Fabric Printing   47 82 79.9 79.8
7 Badgetex Apparels Ltd.     55.4 59.8 56.6
8 Four H Fashions Ltd.       59 67
9 Divine Intimates Ltd.       55.4 60.5
10 Felix Fashions         28.4
11 Belamy Textile Ltd.         53.9
12 Charm Fashions Ltd.         27.8

 Water Footprint 2023

Sl. No Factory Name Water
Rain water (m3)
1 Four H Apparels Ltd. 32896.91 1733.8
2 Four H Fashions Ltd. 43833 523
3 Nafisa Apparels Ltd. 25343 776
4 Divine Design Ltd. 15682 92
5 Badgetex Apparels Ltd. 19144.26 ----------
6 Four H Lingerie Ltd. 37987.1 1778.6
7 Four H Dyeing & Printing Ltd. 1678717  
8 Belamy Textile Ltd. 26985  
9 Divine Intimates Ltd. 19140 853
10 Felix Fashions ltd. 17133  
11 Charm Fashions 7609  
12 F&F Fabric Printing 2307.5